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With the advent of automated software to propel daily business operations, network security threats are always a concern. These breaches can cause not only a headache for you as a business owner, but also the loss of time, revenue, and sensitive information. To protect yourself from these potential dangers, it’s crucial to understand what you’re up against. Here are some of the most common business network security threats and what you can do to avoid them.


Computer viruses are one of the most ubiquitous threats to your business’s network security. Often contained in email attachments or downloaded files, these viruses can corrupt your data, send spam from your email address, steal sensitive information such as client payment data and passwords, and delete everything from your hard drive.

To combat viruses, make sure that you never open an email or an email attachment from an unknown sender. In addition, don’t download any files and open them from untrusted sources. When in doubt, look for “https” at the beginning of websites. This designation demonstrates that the site is encrypted, limiting your chance for downloading a virus. In addition, installing a strong antivirus software can help curb the chance of getting a virus.

Trojan Horse

Trojan horses function much like viruses in that they’re commonly sent via email. However, trojans are easily contracted on your network via fake advertisements. Once you have a Trojan horse on your computer, the malware records every keystroke, leaving you susceptible to stolen passwords and the hijacking of your webcam. To avoid Trojan horses on your network, stay clear of dodgy advertisements, as well as suspicious emails.


Phishing is a hacking method that involves attacks in the form of instant messages or emails. What separates this threat from others is that clicking a particular link may not instantly let a hacker onto your computer. Instead, you’re sent to a legitimate-looking website that asks you for passwords, credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, or other sensitive information.

Common sense goes a long way to reducing the chance of a phishing attack. You should also look at the address bar to ensure you’re at the right website. Sophisticated phishers will steal the logos and page layout of popular banking or insurance websites that look almost identical to the original page. By examining the address bar, you can see if you’re on the proper website or a phishing site.

Adware and Spyware

Adware is a type of malicious software that tracks your browsing history and presents you with advertisements based on that history. Oddly enough, adware is often hidden in user agreement contracts and is therefore legal. Unfortunately, the adware can also slow down your network, your computer, and your internet connection speed.  The only thing you can do to combat adware is to make certain that you read the user agreement contract before clicking accept.

Spyware, on the other hand, is a type of adware that’s installed on your computer without your consent. By recording your keystrokes, spyware can steal passwords, email addresses, and all types of other data or information. Install anti-spyware applications and software to mitigate the risk of obtaining spyware on your network.

Avoid Business Network Threats

Network security threats are a scary concept, but a true danger to the well-being of your business. But by installing the right antivirus software, remaining vigilant of potential threats, and educating your staff, you can keep your sensitive information secure.

LAN WAN Enterprise is your dedicated business IT solutions provider in Orange County. We’ve been supporting businesses for over a decade by providing the right solutions to fit their needs. We operate 24/7 with the most qualified IT engineers available.

Contact us to start a discussion about protecting your business from network threats or any other IT solution you may need.

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