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Moving your business to a new facility is an arduous undertaking. It requires careful planning, a set schedule, and many other considerations. Yet one of the most important yet overlooked aspects of moving your business is network cabling.

Without a proper networking infrastructure, you can fall behind on the tasks that keep your revenue rolling in and your customers satisfied. Here are a few network cabling concerns you might have and how to ensure your business network is 100% functional from Day 1 at your new location.

Previous Tenant Network Cabling

Even if the previous tenant of your building had a fully functioning network, don’t assume that their network cabling will fit your business needs. Oftentimes, fire and safety codes may require that all old cabling is removed prior to occupancy. In other instances, you may want to change the setup of the building by moving your conference room or cubicles to other areas. Either situation can force you to run new network cables and render the old setup obsolete. If you need to install new cables, you’re left holding the bill.

To avoid this situation, grab the building blueprints that are typically available from the County Clerk’s office. Using these blueprints, you can plan your network infrastructure and where to run cables for the most efficient setup. A proactive approach to network cabling without any assumptions can save you time and money.

Using Old Network Cabling For Your Business

If you’re exempt from fire and safety codes and the previous tenant has left their network cabling intact, the setup might prove advantageous.

However, potential pitfalls can lurk if you aren’t diligent with your investigation of the old system. A common way to avoid the costs of a new network cabling system is to splice old cables to fit your needs.

While cost-effective, this can present networking problems if you hire the wrong cabling contractor to do the work. LAN WAN is an IT consulting firm specializing in all information technology related solutions.

Our team of engineers is certified for network cabling and setting up your business for success, whether you’re moving or expanding your current facilities, ask us for a quote.

New Building Cabling Concerns

When you’re moving your business to new construction, you’re obviously concerned with the aesthetics from a customer perspective. Don’t let this blind you from a network cabling standpoint. Work with the architect to discuss the blueprints of the building prior to construction. By doing so, you can create a dedicated network and server room with enough room for cabling and other networking equipment.

What Rooms Need Network Cabling?

Because nearly every business runs at least in some part on the internet, you’ll need to run cables and install ethernet ports anywhere there’s a computer in your new office.

Unfortunately, choosing where to place HDMI, coaxial, video conferencing, and TV cabling ports isn’t as simple as it sounds. In this regard, putting more than necessary can work to your advantage. You’ll always have just what you need with easy access in any given scenario. It may cost a bit more up front, but you’ll be glad you made the decision.

With a lengthy checklist of things to do when moving your business, network cabling may sit low on your priority list. But with the importance of network cabling, you can’t afford to fall behind. Thanks to some careful planning and tackling some of your concerns up front, your network cabling issue won’t become an issue at all.

At LAN WAN Enterprise, there are no problems, only IT solutions. Ask us about the wide range of services we provide our clients in Orange County, San Bernardino, or Los Angeles.

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